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I want to talk about Radiohead. For anyone who doesn't know, they are a five-piece indie band from Oxford, England.
I first started to like them since 1997, when they released OK Computer that year. And actually, I bought their album out of scepticism because I used to like to watch this TV programme by this DJ called Wong Chi Chung. And in his programme, he just said that 'It's not the end of the year, but I have to announce that OK Computer is the best album of the year.' And so I just wanted to try and listen to this album to see if it is (was) that great. And after I bought it, I just think (thought) that 'Wow! This is real music!' because it's musically and lyrically great. And Thom Yorke, the frontman of Radiohead, just write(s) songs like a poems (poem) and I think he is very honest and he writes great poetic imageries in the songs. And at that time I just discovered that there are actually many possibilities in music. And they actually started my interest in other genres of music, like ambient, electronic and psychedelic rock and something (things) like that.
They not (didn't) just open my eyes to music, they also open(ed) my eyes to the world. For example, I didn't know there is ... there was a profession called 'graphic design' beforehand. And I just think that their album cover is very good. And later I learned that the cover was made by a graphic designer who is also the band's friend. And then at that time I started to take interest in this field and eventually I got a bachelor degree for (in) it.
They have also widened my horizons to the fullest because they are a very socially responsible band. They care about the Third World debts, fair trade, poverty, global warming and the environment. And they make me think about all these world issues that I have never thought about before. They encourage me to make a difference. This kind of thing, I just think that not any band in the music scene has this (the) guts to care about.
And also, actually, contrary to general belief that Radiohead is depressing, Thom Yorke the frontman is always whining, I actually think that their music is very uplifting and soothing. And also Thom Yorke has (a) heavenly voices (voice). I actually think that their music give me, gives me comfort in the darkest days of my life. And no other band can give me the same powerful consolation than (as) Radiohead. And I think they are the greatest band and always will be.
I don't have a favourite band or music yet since I'm still discovering what is right for me. However, I like to listen to classical or instrumental music like Ludovico Einaudi, Yiruma or Yann Tiersen.
I prefer listening to classical music when I want to listen to something musical as I don't really have a favorite band or music genre that I could call mine. Sometimes, I would just browse through the videos on YouTube and click on any that looks interesting and if it does suit my mood for that moment then I would let it play until it runs its course.
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