We stand with refugees

Becoming a refugee is something that could happen to any of us. In this video, famous people from around the world talk about the importance of helping people who are escaping difficult situations.

Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises. You can also read the transcript.



Every day …

Every day …

war forces thousands of innocent families …

to leave their homes.

Families like yours …

families like mine.

To escape the violence, …

they leave everything behind …

everything behind …


Everything except their hopes and dreams.

We believe all refugees …

deserve the right to protection …

and to live in safety.

Together, …

we need to send a clear message to governments.

We must act with solidarity …

and take shared responsibility.

We stand together with refugees.

We stand together with refugees.

Please stand with us.

Please stand with us.

Please sign the petition today.

Please sign the petition today.

We stand together with refugees.

Please stand with us.

© UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

Task 1

Task 2


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Average: 4.1 (18 votes)
Profile picture for user vladimierlouiss

Submitted by vladimierlouiss on Wed, 14/02/2024 - 14:54


How can we help refugees to settle in to their new countries?
As a human, we have respectful feeling for them. We can discuss this problem with government how to settle all of them. Defense Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister should make cooperate with United Nations in human rights.

Submitted by yourturn on Thu, 04/01/2024 - 14:13


There must be individual project for the refugees. They need to support psychologically a lot. We must persuade them who will live in safety, gentle and protective.

Submitted by abdulrahman abulwafa on Sun, 29/10/2023 - 08:33


good topic and must comminucate with organizations and governments about refuges in most countries to have thier total right and I suggest the refuges must have something like gold residence which allows them to stay at the countries they are in legally and for along time

Submitted by nasim sidiqi on Tue, 29/08/2023 - 19:15


When it comes to refugees, we may not feel the way we should. There has been secrets in refugees whether their hidden talent that we never know till they are put into practice for instance, one might excels in art others might be great at sporting many more of us should consider and value their perspectives and wisdom. Refugees are in needs of warm hugs to receive from a host country. Today, a lot of refugees changed to a patriotic. and making a super exciting figure in the society even a president or a law maker or legislator.

Submitted by Rita25 on Tue, 29/08/2023 - 14:35


There's so much we can do to help refugees settle in a new country. We can show them our welcoming warm gesture by showing our support through educating ourselves and spreading awareness. We've heard so many stories of refugees seeking assylum to escape poverty and violence in their home country. Some of them desperate to search for better opportunity enter other country illegally. A society as a whole must ensure Refugees are given public support. Government may fund an institution that provides education, basic livelihood program and work skilled related enhancing program. By doing so, Refugees could have the leverage to enter the workplace with their newly acquired skills. Teaching them new skills may enable them to support theirselves and not solely depend on government's support.
I've heard heartfelt stories of Refugees who felt profound gratitude and in turn give back to the country that sheltered them in their most vulnerable moments.

Profile picture for user Ivan-D

Submitted by Ivan-D on Thu, 10/08/2023 - 08:56


Where I live, refugees have always been welcomed, and they are part of our society.

Submitted by Marianella1211 on Wed, 12/07/2023 - 19:53


Refugees always need the same things - advice, clothes, food, work, childcare and healthcare. When you happen to come across them, just offer sone of these resources. Don't throw out clothes- someone may need them, give them to special centers. If you can, employ some of the newcomers, even as cleaners or janitors. Give some useful advice or help around governmental facilities. They may not thank you, or they may- but you need to know that these people are under so much stress, and you Are helping.
I did some of the above. Also, I was an immigrant once, and that was extremely hard and lonely. I lacked friends and felt so excluded from life. And I am really thankful to those that found the time and resources to help, even with little things. This meant a lot to me.

Submitted by Othmano on Fri, 07/07/2023 - 08:57


They must also stop provoking wars or bending the wealth of these countries, which pushes these people to leave their countries

Profile picture for user marcelobj

Submitted by marcelobj on Sat, 17/06/2023 - 20:27


My Lebanese grandparents were refugees from Ottoman Empire, my Italian grandparents were refugees from poverty. I'm Marcelo, I'm 70 years old, I'm so mad with politicians, I'm Brazilian, I STAND WITH YOU ALL.

Submitted by gosia_czech on Fri, 16/06/2023 - 07:38


We can help refugees simply by supporting them in difficult times. Most of us probably know how it's like to be in a different country and not knowing the language and the culture is a difficult situation to be in. So we should be understanding and offer our help, guide them whenever we can, and simply welcome them with positivity and respect.