Bicycles and motorbikes

How often do you ride a bicycle or motorbike? Learn some vocabulary for speaking about your bike by doing these exercises.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4


Language level

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Submitted by chriskutte on Fri, 12/07/2019 - 04:35

I ride my bicycle everyday to drive to the factory where I work and I always weare a helmet. Sometimes if it is a rainy day I take the car but usually I use my bicycle. It is really well for health and envirenmental to ride a bicycle.

Submitted by sahel1981 on Wed, 26/06/2019 - 06:05

When I was young, I lived in a rural town and usually rode bicycle going out. But, now I live in a big city with lots of sloped and crowded roads. So riding a bike is difficult here and only at weekends we have the chance to go out by bicycle; mostly at parks and specified bike areas.

Submitted by thutrangtong on Mon, 10/06/2019 - 08:18

I used to ride a bicycle when I was the second year student at the university. From the third year I rode a motorbike. And I have ridden a motorbike so far. I usually ride a motorbike to go around my city, go from this street to the others. Sometimes I also ride a motorbike to go from the capital to my hometown.
Profile picture for user MAO

Submitted by MAO on Fri, 29/03/2019 - 12:26

It should be describe for many stages in my life, separately. When i was a junior high school student, everyday i rode bike to school, which was located near my home with the distance of 3 km. In considering the safety, my school regulated that every student riding bikes to school have to put on a helmet. After graduated from junior high school, i entered the senior school. In this stage, i did scarcely ride bikes. That is because the campus was far away from where i lived, I took the shuttle bus to school. In university, it was common that each student transported with their own bike because of the broad campus, especially for the students living in the dormitories near the school. Now, I ride motorcycle to go to work everyday. Needless to say, it is convenient to move with motorbikes in Taiwan because the distance from town to town is not as far as U.S. or other big countries.

Submitted by Majid Zeynivand on Sun, 17/03/2019 - 15:32

This section wasn't very hard, but it was really helpful. Thank you, British council.
Profile picture for user bayasa tbea

Submitted by bayasa tbea on Fri, 08/03/2019 - 12:56

Weekdays, I use my bicycle for commuting. The road between my job and home is quite overloaded. And cycling is helping me to have exercise, because after 40 exercising is a quite necessary for men's health. One problem is sweating. So i use a bag for spare t-shirt, and a pant for cycling. Before and after working hours i change my clothes at office. I keep the casuals and cycling clothes in a backpack.

Submitted by Aturjong Jr. on Thu, 28/02/2019 - 12:13

i stop riding the bike in 1990s. my most chances is the names of bike parts
Profile picture for user Lianna

Submitted by Lianna on Wed, 27/02/2019 - 14:31

I can bike, but in our city it is dangerous to bike, because there is not special line for bicycle. So i have to go for shoping by bus, or by taxi. When i go in summer holiday Dilijan, it is a small city not far from Erevan, we take two bykes for rent and with my family we byke .

Submitted by ozicm on Tue, 26/02/2019 - 17:54

ı go to shopping center by my bicycle 3 or 4 times a week.