Bicycles and motorbikes

How often do you ride a bicycle or motorbike? Learn some vocabulary for speaking about your bike by doing these exercises.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4


Language level

Average: 4.7 (15 votes)

Submitted by Daudau0601 on Sun, 29/03/2020 - 15:40

i used to ride a bike to go to school when i was a student. I think it is very excited, good for my health and environment. i often ride a bike to cross the field and enjoy the fresh air in my country. i really like that feeling
Profile picture for user Smiley1

Submitted by Smiley1 on Tue, 24/03/2020 - 15:18

I used to ride a bicycle to go to the nearest station and just go around my city. But nowadays I don’t ride a bicycle from fear of recklessness.

Submitted by piyush_bpin on Sat, 21/03/2020 - 23:54

Although I like to drive a car, I often ride my sport bicycle to go around city. This helps me to stay physically fit. I am enjoy riding my bicycle and since it has many advance features, it makes riding experience more pleasurable. It comes with four gears system where rider can adjust gear level as per comfort. It also has flexible saddle so I can raise or lower saddle without much physical effort. I don't have to worry about flat tire because it has tubeless system. However, this bicycle requires high maintenance and routine oil spread over chain to make rotation smooth. First rules of thumb, I always put on my helmet before riding it.

Submitted by Scommel on Tue, 17/03/2020 - 14:36

i ride bicycle occasionally even if i like bicycles and motorcycles in general it is not an activity that i practice regularly, i like hanging out in the down town eapacially the week end , most people are off so the bicycle road are empty so i do a big tour crossing all the parcs on my way, i find it very relaxing .
week end= weekend down town= downtown eapacially the week end= especially during weekends bicycle road are= bicycle roads are i do a big tour crossing all the parcs on my way= i take a long tour passing all parks on my way back to home

Submitted by wcyam10 on Tue, 25/02/2020 - 07:01

I used to ride on my bicycle every evening for leisure. I enjoyed the fresh and cool breeze very much. However, I stop doing that recently due to heavy air pollution which is caused by the released of chemical particles into the air by the factories nearby my area.
However, I stop= stopped However, I stopped going out on my bicycle because of the heavy air pollution created by many chemical factories in this area.
Profile picture for user Smiley1

Submitted by Smiley1 on Tue, 18/02/2020 - 13:39

I used to ride a bike every day to go to the nearest station. I like to ride it! But I don't go by bike recently because I'm afraid of reckless car drivers in a city and, vice versa, I'm a bit a reckless biker. So I like to ride it in a countryside.