Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
What skills will the workforce of the future need?
As technological innovations continue to change the workplace, we are seeing more industries entrust their operations to new gadgets, software and programs that can transform the workplace. One such technology that has the potential to revolutionise workplaces in the coming years is RPA (Robotic Process Automation). With more industries starting to embrace RPA software, RPA robots would be able to handle mundane, repetitive tasks like some of the clerical work normally dealt with by administrative staff, thereby lowering running costs and increasing productivity.
There is a common concern that companies employing technology like RPA are only interested in increasing their profit margins through cost reduction, and that this trend would eventually leave most of the workforce jobless. However, while it is true that the menial tasks of administrative and clerical jobs are likely to be taken over by automation, the demands on the average office worker will evolve to include more creative work, managerial duties and communication with clients and suppliers.
With this shift in focus, the skills required of future workers are also bound to change. Moving away from basic data entry skills, the worker of the future will be expected to have transferable problem-solving and critical thinking skills that will enable them to tackle any difficult situation and work independently to find solutions.
The ability to adapt and be agile would also be essential in a world that is likely to become increasingly volatile, uncertain and complex. Having such flexibility, coupled with the desire to keep learning and the initiative to step forward, the successful worker of the future is one who will be able to use their skills to seek out opportunities, make improvements and take on new challenges wherever they'll be working.
By equipping our future generation of workers with such business skills, we can ensure that when automation fully takes over, our workers will have the survival skills to become better employees and leaders of the future.
- It is helpful to start with a more general statement before narrowing it down to talking about a specific example, e.g. technological advancements will continue to change the workplace → one such technology is RPA.
- Use clauses to show if a change is going to happen:
- over a period of time, e.g. As technological innovations continue to change the workplace, ... / With more industries starting to embrace RPA software, ...
- at some point in the future, e.g. when automation fully takes over, ...
- Connect new paragraphs to what was previously written in order to achieve better cohesion, e.g. With this shift in focus, ... / The ability to adapt and be agile would also be essential ... / By equipping our future generation of workers with such business skills, ...
- When talking about future trends, use a variety of phrases to show the different levels of probability of things happening, e.g. to be likely to, to have the potential to, to be expected to, to be bound to.
- Conclude with a summary of the main points of your article.
Over the period of Technological Era, Computers and Technological device has revolutinise the way work is typically done. In fact the workplace has changed rapidly that more Industries heavily rely on computers to perform a mundane task. However Human's creativity, critical thinking skills, problem solving, and communication skills are essential skills that outmatch a computer. Considering the fact that Technological Inventions such as robot and super computer are widely utilise in a Corporate Industry. Future Generations of Worker must be equipped to adapt to ever changing workplace and must harness essential skills. Human's drive for success and recognition are vital traits that distinguish us from the rest. Therefore I conclude the future of workplace will not be entirely dominated by Automation, Human provided with necessary essential skills will always have its role in this ever competitive workplace regardless of the given field.
From UWA BC2
George: It is a good task to test our comprehension of this text.
Maureen: We had a good time discussing this topic and cooperated to finger out the answers.
Enoch: We got most answers correct, and I am happy to solve the problem as a team. It was an enjoyable discussion. Great work! Everybody.
I have come here by recommendation of English teacher Alex Kim. I worked on all twelve lessons of C1 writing. Thus, they were great to do it due to various topics with helpful tips and practical tasks. Thank you very much British Council.
Honestly, it's hard to predict how workplaces will look in the future but I think the development of technology obviously will change them dramatically.
First of all, I expect fewer papers at work. I think most of them we easily can change on e-documents: this is a much faster way to deal and much more ecological.
And dull work. It would be great to replace people with robots on it. No one likes boring jobs and we must provide more intellectual jobs to humans. Of course, more intellectual jobs demand more intellectual employees so we have to adjust our education to the coming conditions.
And, of course, I have some words about dangerous jobs. Every day millions of people risk their lives on dangerous jobs: like miners or firefighters. I predict some serious changes in these fields in the future. I'm sure we should replace people with robots there too.