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Samantha Cristoforetti, ESA Astronaut: Hello and welcome to Node 1, the place on the International Space Station where we have our meals together and it is also the place we can come mid-afternoon or mid-morning to quickly grab a snack. I'd like to show you some ideas of healthy snacks that we have here on board the International Space Station.
For example we have plenty of fruit. Most of the time it's not fresh fruit unfortunately. We have fruit, for example this citrus fruit salad in strong stabilised pouches, like this one. Or sometimes we have fruit which needs to be rehydrated, like these strawberries. Or sometimes we have fruit that looks just like it would on Earth, for example this pouch of dried apple, which I like a lot! Seeds and nuts are also great ideas for a healthy snack. Here on board, for example, I have this pumpkin seeds bar and we also have plenty of nuts. How about for example some macadamia nuts?
I also have this very special power bar which was made for me by chef Stefano Polato and it contains plenty of very healthy, nutritious ingredients like erm, wholegrain cereals, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds and a special ingredient called spirulina and chef Stefano Polato will also show us how to make this at home! So, snack time is a great opportunity to put the right rocket fuel in your body and as always, don’t panic, eating healthy is not rocket science!
When you look from the outside you probably say "Oh, it will be great to be an astronaut", but when you realize all the sacrifices involved maybe I wouldn't want to be an astronaut, what I'm sure of is that I would like to do a space trip when it is cheaper in the future. My favorite snacks are sandwiches and some fruit.