Leeks and pumpkins are those vegetables ı like the most. I use oregano and pepper as spices to give flavor to food. I haven't tasted artichoke and chard.
In task 3, I can't make sure when to use plural when to use singular.
1 We eat the leaves of chard and spinach. (Why do the answer using singular nouns?)
Why my answer (chards and spinaches) is wrong?
2 The part of radishes and leeks that we eat grows partly above ground and partly below. (Why do the answer using plural nouns?)
3 The part of garlic and ginger that we eat also grows below ground. (Why do the answer using singular nouns this time? I believe it is the same structure as the sentence 2)
I am totally confused about these usages.
Some plants are always uncountable. Leafy plants like chard, spinach, lettuce and rocket are examples, and so are herbs and spices like oregano, basil and curry, as well as some other items like garlic, vanilla and ginger. This is why the singular is used with these plants.
Some plants are usually countable. These include radishes, leeks and potatoes, as well as many fruits. This is why the plural is used with these plants.
In my country, some of these vegetables are planting in our land such leeks, radishes, spinaches, pumpkins, garlic and green beans, so I like so much spinach, broccoli courgettes and leeks, but I love eat it without cooked such garlic and I make it slights on the green salad , and I like the least the pumpkins
I never tasted cassavas. Artichokes, pumpkins are those I like the most while broccoli, garlic and ginger are the ones I like the least. I use garlic and ginger as spices to give flavour to food.
Hello loveiseverything,
It can be confusing.
Some plants are always uncountable. Leafy plants like chard, spinach, lettuce and rocket are examples, and so are herbs and spices like oregano, basil and curry, as well as some other items like garlic, vanilla and ginger. This is why the singular is used with these plants.
Some plants are usually countable. These include radishes, leeks and potatoes, as well as many fruits. This is why the plural is used with these plants.
The LearnEnglish Team